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Editing And Publishing Service

  • Are you struggling with your short story?

  • Has your synopsis sizzled out half-way?

  • Not sure which markets to target?

  • Perhaps you’d just like someone to check your script through

  • Your book is finished but you're not sure what to do now?

As a freelance writer, I’ve written for all sorts of publications and undertaken all sorts of writing jobs from copywriting, to short stories, to humorous articles, to readers’ letters, to books. I've learnt my craft on the job and now I am an established writer, I love to help others achieve their writing goals.

I love helping others – almost as much as I love writing and I recently had the privilege of helping a few fellow writers and friends as they produced their own books. It certainly opened my eyes to the world of online publishing and marketing and has spurred me on to create my own editing and publishing service. We all need that helping hand sometimes, so if you think I can help you, whether it’s a critique of your work you’re after, an edit, some advice about a market – in fact, anything and everything, please get in touch and I’ll try and help you.

If you are a new author and need help with any aspect of writing, editing, publishing or promoting your story let me see if I can help.  I have been in the industry for well over 20 years and have a wealth of experience helping people achieve their publishing dreams online.  Send me a message and lets get chatting about how I can help you.

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© I made this!! Terri Brown

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